King's Kids is a place where children learn about God in an environment that is safe and loving. Our goal is to help children love and follow Jesus. We want to meet your child's needs whether emotional, physical or spiritual with loving attention while you worship with the body of Christ.

Here's what King's Kids offers for your child each Sunday:

Ages 0-5: Nursery care is offered during our Sunday Service. Children will participate in age-appropriate worship, hear a Bible story, make a craft, and have free-play time.

1st-5th grade: Children will begin by worshiping in the Sunday Service with their families and then be dismissed to Sunday School classes for the remainder of the service. In Sunday School, children will worship, hear and discuss the Bible story, and participate in activities that assist in understanding God's Word.

King's Kids uses the Gospel Project Curriculum for all classes birth through 5th grade.

If you would like to learn more or ask a question, contact our King's Kids staff.

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