• Tell us your story. Do you have a family? When did you come to faith?

    I am happily married to Helena and together we have been blessed with a daughter (Kristen) and son (Nathan). They are both young adults now and growing in their own journey in life.

    My family and I moved to America from South Korea when I was five. We were not Christians when we immigrated. When I was in elementary school, my parents started taking my older sister and I to church services and activities. I participated until the end of high school because it was something that I had to do. I didn’t have a relationship with God throughout those years. When I went off to college at UC Santa Barbara, I stopped being active in any church. At that point in my life, I was more interested in other pursuits and I didn’t see a need for God in my life. In the summer after my freshman year in college, I met some people who were also students at UCSB. They were active in a college ministry and they invited me to join them once the school year started. When fall arrived, I went to the Bible study and God started speaking to my heart and showing me my need for him. Throughout the year, I felt two competing draws in my life; God and the world. Throughout this year, I felt increasingly unsure about my identity and what I truly wanted out of life. Looking back, I think that God was refining my heart at this time and causing me to take a deep look into it. Towards the end of my sophomore year, I realized that my heart and life was empty without God and I committed my life to following him.

    Upon graduating from college, I entered Talbot School of Theology and prepared to enter into the vocational ministry. I completed my seminary education and was ordained as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church. I served in my local church as a pastor for several years. About 15 years ago, I felt led to transition out of full-time ministry. Since then, I have been working as a financial and investment advisor. I am excited and humbled to be serving King’s Church in the role of an Elder (trainee).

    How long have you been coming to King’s? What’s one thing you love about our community?

    My family and I have been a part of King’s Church for about 15 years. We started attending when I transitioned out of full time vocational ministry. At that time, we were still meeting at Carver Elementary School (go Cougars!). We were first introduced to King’s by friends of ours, and from the first time we visited, we knew that God was doing something special in this Church. Throughout the years, we have met many wonderful people. I love that we are a community that is moving together on this same journey of faith. We realize that we are all broken, imperfect people saved only through the grace of God through Jesus Christ. Together, we are actively striving to grow in our identity as people of God.

    What hobbies do you have? Or what’s a secret talent you possess?

    I love spending time outdoors. I enjoy golfing, backpacking, fishing and traveling to places that have beautiful beaches =). I also enjoy spending time with my family and watching sports.

    How can members of King’s Church pray for you while you go through training?

    Please pray that God would help me to increasingly make him the center of my life and that he would be my all in all.

  • Tell us your story. Do you have a family? When did you come to faith?

    I grew up in the Christian Reformed Church and have known Jesus as my Savior for as long as I can remember. Beth and I got married in 2001 and we have two children. Anneke is a sophomore at Long Beach State and Caleb is a senior at McBride High School.

    How long have you been coming to King’s? What’s one thing you love about our community?

    We started coming to King’s Church during the summer of 2020 when the church was meeting outdoors at a Long Beach park. We were immediately welcomed and felt at home. Ironically, we had trouble recognizing our friends when the masks started coming off. 😊 We love so much about this church, including the strong leadership, biblical theology rooted in the Reformed tradition, focus on community groups, great preaching, and the relationships we have here.

    What hobbies do you have? Or what’s a secret talent you possess?

    I enjoy spending time with my family, working, exercising, making Texas BBQ, and hanging out with my brothers from church.

    How can members of King’s Church pray for you while you go through training?

    I would really appreciate your prayers as I reprioritize to incorporate this new time commitment and potential calling into my life. Please pray that I would prioritize wisely and bless all four of us as we study, pray and learn together.

  • Tell us your story. Do you have a family? When did you come to faith?

    Hi King’s Church, my name is Paul Ekk and I’m a husband to Cindy and a father to Jacob and Amelia. We are an active bunch and enjoy bugging each other (at least I do!). I love the four of us! I’m also a son. My parents immigrated from Brazil and Cindy’s family from Korea. Not only did our parents move to this country for greater opportunities, they brought with them their faith in Christ. In that regard, my faith is a generational one where going to church has always been what I’ve done with my family.

    During high school, I began to dig deeper into the Christian faith because if I was going to own that faith, I wanted to know what that all entailed. With all the blessings that came with growing up in a household of faith, I wanted Christ to be my own Savior. In many ways that deeper dive into the Christian faith hasn’t slowed up. I can’t speak to a specific moment of first believing in Jesus, but I can say that all this digging around into Christianity has made two things very clear to me from a biblical standpoint. My growth in grace has really depended upon me gaining greater awareness of both my own real depravity and God’s perfect and intense holiness. As these two truths become all the more evident to me, the cross of Christ becomes that much more beautiful to me. That’s really it, Christ is beautiful to me.

    How long have you been coming to King’s? What’s one thing you love about our community?

    I’ve been coming to King’s since 2018. This was when we moved into Long Beach, and it was a quick and easy decision to join King’s. Many years before, we had visited King’s and the community had left a warm impression upon us. What I love most about King’s, first and foremost, is that we are a worshiping community. We sing about Christ’s majesty and Jesus is preached to us week in and week out. I consider that a massive blessing to each of us at King’s. The dialogue of our worship is a clear conversation about exalting and magnifying Jesus. I’m so grateful for the centrality of Christ at King’s and that our community is an outflow of the grace of Christ. We’re a blessed bunch at King’s.

    What hobbies do you have? Or what’s a secret talent you possess?

    A bit about me, I have zero secret talents. Even if I did have one, I would be too shy to put that talent on display, and it probably would remain a secret. While I don’t have any cool talents, I have been blessed with a ton of awkwardness. Haha. And what’s more awkward than being a soccer referee? If I have any free time on the weekends, I try to blow the whistle and manage a game. It’s more of a labor of love than anything else. I love the game of soccer and want kids to enjoy jogo bonito too. I do hesitate each time I take on an assignment because of the potential for chaos under my watch. Yet as daunting as it is, I consider it a hobby. Lastly, if I want to get away from the noise of life, I like to get on my road bike and ride and ride and ride.

    How can members of King’s Church pray for you while you go through training?

    If you could please pray for me that would be so appreciated. I come into this elder training season with so much hesitation because I have a lot of doubts about myself. I want what’s best for King’s in whatever way I fit into God’s plans for our church.

  • Tell us your story. Do you have a family? When did you come to faith?

    I have a wonderful wife, Janet, and two boys, Ethan (age 7) and Noah (age 4). Janet and I have been married for 12 years. Raised in a Christian household, I was fortunate enough to know God at an early age, and was baptized when I was 12. My relationship with God has evolved greatly over the years, and I have seen His amazing grace and goodness over me and my family's lives in so many ways.

    How long have you been coming to King’s? What’s one thing you love about our community?

    Janet and I have been attending King's for over 16 years since 2007 (back when it was called City Presbyterian Church). We are deeply thankful for the genuineness and vulnerability of so many people at King's. We love how you don't have to be perfect to be at this church--in fact, that's why we're here, because we are all imperfect and acknowledge that we need God in our lives.

    What hobbies do you have? Or what’s a secret talent you possess?

    Music is my main hobby--I love playing piano and listening to jazz (big band is my favorite) and classic rock. I also love talking about real estate, watching old episodes of The Office & Seinfeld, and am a bit of a World War II buff. Not sure about any secret talents but I'm fortunate enough to have avoided ever breaking any bone in my body (does that count?)

    How can members of King’s Church pray for you while you go through training?

    I would really love everyone's prayers as I go through this training! To be honest, I am a bit unsure as to what to expect during this process, so I ask that people pray for God to grant me wisdom and clarity. I'm looking forward to seeing what God has to show me this upcoming year. Thanks!